Monday, April 28, 2008

Stupid APIIT!!!!

"Hey, u can't wear short pant here!", that's what the stupid old geezer told me this evening. What's the hell wrong with wearing short pant?! It's not that I'm wearing swimsuit or bikini! What about those who wear mini skirt?! (jeans some more!!!) :(

Hell, I don't care anymore..... (at least I was waving arrogantly when he told me that ^_^ )

= assignment mode =

I send my prayer to you, my friend. I hope you'll get better soon....

x being normal doesn't mean that you are useless

Saturday, April 26, 2008

When despair comes to my life

....Just as the title stated. I'm so...into disappointment and despair today. I wish May will come soon, take me to a heaven called Redang (or is it not? whatever...) and then I can forget all problems that I the end....I'm just running away.....

= My current mood =

- *sigh* whatever -


Friday, April 25, 2008

Stressful can be Harmful and Painful

Most people find stress to be annoying (and mostly become more stress when they acknowledge it) but in my case, stress is a source of different PoV. Mostly, when I become stressed (especially when I have problem in my relationship life) I can do quite well in test or exam. Not to say I like being stressed but it is what happen in the reality of my very life. My friends used to tell me that I'm so cold (or cool, or whatsoever, you name it). I rarely show my emotion (except hungry n happy) but for those who know me (or observant enough) they might know that when I'm angry, sad or stress, I become more silent than usual. My life is an easygoing type but when I'm in trouble, it will become messy...

For today, I'm grateful to anyone who have made me stress.

For today, I thanked ShanShang & Linda for cooking spaghetti for me =D

For today, I thanked Angel for accompanying me to swim =3

For today, I thanked myself for all the hard-works this week =)

For today, I thanked anyone.....

= world is beautiful if you think positively =

Thursday, April 24, 2008

When aliens invade our earth...

Have you ever thought about, "what if aliens invade earth"? I don't care if you do, but I do, and that's what I'm thinking right now. If aliens really invade earth, first, they'll try to communicate (assume they won't eat you or turn you into frog the moment they see you). What will they say then? This is my assumption:
1. they will learn our language since they have much higher intelligent level (another assumption that their brain level is not worm's brain)
2. they will try to communicate with us.

Another question, what kind of words will they use? In my imagination (based on my current situation) the message will look like this:

input_speech, n
output_answer, invasion
for(his_speech=2; his_speech<=n; his_speech++){
for(my_speech=2; my_speech<=n; my_speech++){
if [communication (z/i)!= connected] {
if his_speech=my_speech then{
for (talking=1; talking <= (negotiation+unsuccessful); talking++){
return (invasion[talking]);

After reading this message, I begin to realize, Mr. Saw is an alien and he had brainwashed me (and all of my pitiful classmates) into half alien now.....

= My world spinning around =

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The stupid dog no.3

As if the number of dogs are not enough in APIIT, 1 stupid guy had been added to the list. The dumbass really needs to be kicked, chopped, stewed (which I think no one would dare to eat it), slapped, whatsoever thingy I would want to do. The stupid asshole, f*cking dog dare to ignore ME while I speak with him!!! That alone is enough for me to hate him forever! I will NEVER EVER EVERRR speak with him anymore!

Put aside the dog, I was cooking my dinner (just now) and thanks to my roomie for keeping me busy with her...well....laptop, I burnt my dinner!

Cute aren't they =3
The blackness covers the white and golden skin, making the golden skin shines like moonlight in the darkness of night....
My, such a masterpiece!!! *I guess I hit my head when taking a nap this afternoon, so don't mind the stupid poem =P*

Anyway, exam and submission of assignments draw near! Ganbatte, atashi to tomodachi yo!!!