Have you ever thought about, "what if aliens invade earth"? I don't care if you do, but I do, and that's what I'm thinking right now. If aliens really invade earth, first, they'll try to communicate (assume they won't eat you or turn you into frog the moment they see you). What will they say then? This is my assumption:
1. they will learn our language since they have much higher intelligent level (another assumption that their brain level is not worm's brain)
2. they will try to communicate with us.
Another question, what kind of words will they use? In my imagination (based on my current situation) the message will look like this:
input_speech, n
output_answer, invasion
for(his_speech=2; his_speech<=n; his_speech++){
for(my_speech=2; my_speech<=n; my_speech++){
if [communication (z/i)!= connected] {
if his_speech=my_speech then{
for (talking=1; talking <= (negotiation+unsuccessful); talking++){
return (invasion[talking]);
After reading this message, I begin to realize, Mr. Saw is an alien and he had brainwashed me (and all of my pitiful classmates) into half alien now.....
= My world spinning around =